Run For Hope

Florence, SC
Saturday, Jun 20, 2020

Most citizens of the Pee Dee and surrounding areas do not realize that homelessness is an issue.  Each day there are over 400 homeless men, women and children in the community.  Of the homeless population over 100 are not sheltered,.  Many are women and children.  The Community Shelter offers a safe shelter, food, clothing and case management services to those that come seeking a place to rest their head. Thank you for your help and your willingness to donate


The Courtney McGinnis Graham Community Homeless Shelter

The Courtney McGinnis Graham Community Homeless Shelter was named after Courtney McGinnis Graham for her tireless efforts to help the homeless.  Courtney's passion and selfless love for the homeless was evident as she was used to bring light, life and hope to those in need.  She provided a warm meal, safe shelter, or words of encouragement to those in need.  Homeless children gripped her heart, and her persistent tenacity always helped to find them a place to stay.  While she ministered to their needs, Courtney longed to have a place for them to call home.  Her ministry to homeless men, women and children continues to be an inspiration to our community and her vision surpassed her life.  In her memory, the Courtney McGinnis Graham Community Shelter was opened October 17, 2016.  Daily the shelter serves 30 men, women and children.  

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